Join Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. Once you reach here, there is a small door on the left underneath the blue canopy. There is a collectible at the end of the rail, if you grapple over to the right. In front of you will be a grapple and a rail that goes off to the left and the right. Follow the steps to the left and back out to the city. Go around to the left, and you'll be able to wall run and get to it easily. When you use the boost to jump over to the next platform, you'll also notice another collectible behind a wire fence.

As soon as you jump, you should land on it. Instead of going left towards the boost, you want to go right - but you'll need to use the boost to get up to the platform. Before you run into the second boost and leave this platform, there is a collectible here. Use this to boost yourself over to the next platform, that's directly in front and much higher up. You'll see a Cybervoid uplink that enhances how far you can jump.